Cena con delitto
il team building di Gility

  • 20-50
  • 5h

The event that transformed the team into skilled detectives to solve an intricate mystery.

For Gility, Kampaay organized a Team Building Dinner with Murder for 20 participants. The location chosen for the two days away from the office was immersed in nature, was perfect for unplugging and teaming up.

The afternoon started with a workshop on corporate values. In the evening, between soft lights and background music, the yellow one was staged. Divided into small groups, the participants were the protagonists of an investigation with professional actors in the role of witnesses and potential culprits.

Each crime scene provided new clues. To unravel the mystery, teams had to solve Riddles and put the pieces of the puzzle together before the last revealing act.

There has been great collaboration to interpret the clues, to investigate the motives and weapons of the crime. Between one course and another, the confrontation was close to frame the culprit before the grand finale.

This immersive experience and full of suspense, it tested the deductive skills of the Gility team, uniting the participants in the common goal of arriving at the solution. Un team building out of the ordinary to strengthen problem solving and team spirit.

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Perchè scegliere una Cena con delitto

Per rafforzare lo spirito di squadra attraverso sfide divertenti

Per favorire la collaborazione tra singoli membri del team

Scaricare lo stress con attività fisiche e di gruppo energizzanti

Rafforzare valori chiave come la determinazione, il rispetto delle regole e la cooperazione

Creare ricordi positivi che uniscono i membri della squadra anche al di fuori del lavoro

The best team building activities

The best team building activities

The best team building activities

The best team building activities

It's easy to organize wow experiences for your team building on Kampaay. Discover an endless catalog of outdoor activities, in-office, cooking experiences, sports challenges and much more.

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Kampaay è semplicissimo

Step 01

Discover tons of team building ideas on Kampaay.


Step 01

Discover tons of team building ideas on Kampaay.

Step 02

Choose the format best suited to your team: indoor, outdoor, creative activities or cooking experiences, and more.


Step 02

Choose the format best suited to your team: indoor, outdoor, creative activities or cooking experiences, and more.

Step 03

Prefer to create your own team building from scratch? Work with an event expert to design a custom proposal.


Step 03

Prefer to create your own team building from scratch? Work with an event expert to design a custom proposal.

Step 04

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Step 04

Easily manage budgets, collaborators, payments, and every detail in one platform.

Step 05

Get ready to see your team more energized than ever! And come back to Kampaay anytime to organize more wow events.


Step 05

Get ready to see your team more energized than ever! And come back to Kampaay anytime to organize more wow events.

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