Future and Sustainability

Our path towards


In 2024, we took a major step forward: we became a Benefit Corporation. It was a natural choice that legally formalized what we have always been: a company creating shared value. Here's how:

Giovane donna che sorride ad un evento aziendale
Gender equality

Protagonists of change

44% of our Team is made up of women, with a quarter of our professionals in leadership roles. We have created concrete programs for new mothers, extending them to freelance collaborators, because we believe that true equality is built with tangible actions, day after day.

Fight against climate change

Corporate events and sustainability

Environmental sustainability guides our choices. Thanks to the partnership with Up2You, each of our events leaves an ever lighter mark on the planet. We encourage sustainable mobility among employees and choose partners who share our vision of a greener future.

Bracci con un bracciale con qrcode durante un evento aziendale
Gruppi di persone che sta partecipando ad un focus group durante un ritiro aziendale
Decent work and economic growth

An environment that values people

We are committed to creating the work environment that we always wanted to find. Our benefits embrace families and flexibility allows them to live work and private life peacefully. Because we are convinced that people express their best when they feel valued and supported.

Companies, innovation and infrastructure

Responsible innovation

Technology is our tool for driving positive change. We develop digital solutions that not only simplify business, but make it more sustainable. Every innovation is a step towards a better, more efficient and responsible future.

Laptop con aperto un applicativo web per eventi aziendali
Gruppo di persone durante un evento sociale
Sustainable cities and communities

Alongside the social

Growing means sharing. We collaborate with associations that promote inclusion and social well-being. Our team dedicates time to volunteering, because we believe that change starts with small daily actions.

Sustainability report

Discover the details of our commitment

Would you like to know more about our objectives and results? In the Sustainability Report you will find all the numbers, initiatives and concrete impacts of our commitment.

Code of Ethics

The values that guide our every action

The Kampaay Code of Ethics guides every decision and behavior of our Kampaayers, reflecting the values and commitment that animates each member of the team, to carry out a responsible business that respects people and society.


Your Voice Counts

Kampaay's Whistleblowing Policy allows employees, collaborators and stakeholders to report any unethical or illegal behavior within our organization. You can send your report by writing to

Puoi inviare la tua segnalazione scrivendo a needyou@kampaay.com